Men's pearl jewelry is gaining popularity again

Pearls have been used in jewelry for 6,000 years and it would seem that for all that time jewelry made from the beautiful spherical gems has been reserved exclusively for women. Nothing could be further from the truth! Nearly 400 years ago a portrait of George Villiers was painted - the Duke of Buckingham is seen wearing a jacket richly decorated with pearls.

In modern times, we have examples of many popular artists who have added pearls to their outfit. As of 2019, pearl jewelry is regularly worn by Harry Styles, A$AP Rocky or Pharrell Williams.

George Villiers oraz Harry Styles
On the left George Villiers (Michiel van Miervelt, 1625), on the right Harry Styles (Neil Mockfrod/GC Images)

Previously mentioned artists are proving that the jewelry world is opening up to genderless fashion.

To which men's outfit do pearls fit

We know that pearls are not reserved for one sex or a narrow age group and there is no barrier which limits the choice of pearl jewelry only to an chic outfit.

Nowadays pearls have lost their aristocratic character and can be seen in all stylizations. They can be worn every day and not only on special occasions, as exemplified by Harry Styles in the photo above. The British musician experiments with fashion. In his case an earring or a necklace of white pearls is not a criterion of clothing choice and such accessories appear together with a checked flannel shirt or a plain white t-shirt.

This June at the premiere of the documentary Stockholm Syndrome, American rapper A$AP Rocky proved that a chic suit and pearls are a perfect combination. A black, well-fitted, double-breasted suit, accompanied by a classic white pearl necklace hanging in front of his tie and a huge pearl ring.

On the left Harry Styles (Rich Fury/Getty Images), on the right A$AP Rocky (Getty Images)

The versatility of pearl jewelry

Pearls are versatile when it comes to men's jewelry. The accessories chosen can be minimalist or striking, from a cufflink to a multi-row necklace.

Where is this trend going?

Currently, pearls are worn by men who follows the latest trends - maybe this is just a one-minute fashion or maybe in the next few years this type of jewelry will be as common as medallions on a thin gold or silver chain were in the past.

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